Hip Hemiarthroplasty [CN-220509]

Hip Hemiarthroplasty was done on A 67 years old female who was experiencing pain in her left hip after she fell on a slippery ground on washroom. She was unable to stand or walk since then. She had difficulty in moving her left lower limb, sitting upright & was unable to squat.

On Examination, her left lower limb was shorter than right, rotated outward, tenderness on left groin on deep palpation. There was proximal femoral shortening on Bryant’s Triangle.

After getting plain radiograph she was diagnosed with Fracture neck of Femur (left).

Diagnosis: Fracture Neck of Femur

Name of Operation: Replacement Hemiarthroplasty of Femoral Component

Anaesthesia: SAB

Postoperative period: Uneventful.

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